Friday, August 16, 2013

Preparing for the Jr. Fair Livestock Sale

FAQ’s and Helpful Hints to a Successful Sale!
1.     Who is responsible for contacting the buyers?
a.     You are responsible for contacting your buyers to attend the livestock sale to support the sale. While many old supporters are contacted from the Junior Fair it is important to make sure that you personally invite your possible buyers. Some possible ways to contact buyers could be through:
                                                              i.      Letters
                                                            ii.      Cards
                                                          iii.      Phone calls
2.     Who should I contact?
a.     Feed store/other businesses your family patronizes
b.     Family members/friends of family
c.      Old buyers looking to support new youth
d.     Make a goal of asking two new buyers!
3.     What should I put in my letter to the potential buyer?
a.     Give some background about your project
b.     Who your parents are
c.      Ask them to support the sale, NOT purchase your animal directly
d.     Include pictures if possible.
4.     When should I send the information to the potential buyers?
a.     2-3 weeks should be adequate.
5.     What other things should I remember when contacting buyers?
a.     Make sure words are spelled correctly
b.     Neatness counts!
c.      Dress nice if you are going in person
6.     What things should I AVOID saying to a potential buyer?
a.     Do not demand that they buy your animal
b.     Do not pass out letters during the sale
c.      Do not make promises
d.     Do not threaten to take your business someplace else if they are not interested
1.     How can I ensure that my donor is thanked for their contribution?
a.     Make sure that you verbally thank your buyer at the sale. (If you aren’t sure who they are, ask an adult helping with the sale and they will assist you.
b.     Offer to take a picture with your buyer, or if a champion animal ensure that you get your picture with your buyer.
2.     How can I make sure that my animals and I are ready for the sale?
a.     Make sure your animals are clean.
b.     Make sure that you dress appropriately.
3.     What can I do to ensure that people know I appreciated their contribution?
a.     Follow up with a written thank you and picture card for their contribution.
b.     Thanking donors the following year with posters above pens is a good idea and will support your sale for the upcoming year.

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